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DAY 1 HOUR 3 - In this video: Non-Agressor Stances Continued, Using Voice, Looking Tough, Avoidance, De-Escalation, Body Language, Passive, Over-Aggression, Assertive, Apology, Leave, You Can't De-Escalate Everything, Eye Scrapes, Giving You Mental Files, Your Obscured Vision, Hammer Fist, Enhanced Hammer Fist, Slashing with Keys, Disparity of Force, Reasonable Use of Force, Be Invisible (Gray Man), How to Disappear Like Magic (Getting Behind Your Opponent), Arm Drag, Push Pull, Reach Under, Create Openings to Escape, Various things you can do when you are behind someone.
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DAY 1 HOUR 4 - In this video: Push / Pull, Reach Under, Be Assertive, Fail your audition,Savage on a dime, Dr. Ruthless, Be Distant, Stay away from people, Avoid Corners, Knee Strikes, Low / High Sequences, Knee to Head, Knee Blocks, Knee to Chest, Knee to Shin, Knee on Back, Elbow on Back, Mental Acceptance of Injury, First Aid, Will to Win, Knockout Game, Heel Grab Takedown, One Arm Fighting, Don't Go After Camera man, Run, Never Quit, Kamla Devi fought off leopard for 30 minutes.
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DAY 1 HOUR 5 - In this video: Kamla Devi fought off leopard for 30 minutes continued, Wheel Chair Lady, Don't give up, Continuous assault till threat defeated, Defending is losing,Train for worst case, Take emotion out of it, Elbow Strikes, Hammer Fist / Elbow combination, Groin Slap, Low / High, Don't Flail while learning, Questionable App, Adrenaline Response, Fight or Flight Good and Bad, Labored Breathing, Tunnel Vision,Auditory Exclusion, Woofing, Touching, Whacking, Debrief of Whacking Drill, Combat /Tactical Breathing, First Step Danger Breathing, Headbutts (Croatian Kiss), Headbutt Targets, Headbutt Setup, Headbutt on Ground, Weapon Fixation.
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DAY 1 HOUR 6 - In this Video: Develop Neck, Headbutts Continued, Defense of Headbutt, Visualization, Who would suffer because of your demise?, Don't expect the police to help you., Go time drill, You are worth it!, Victimology, Soft & Hard Targets, Tunnel Vision /Audio Exclusion Drill, Teaching Witnesses what to say to 911, Shoulder Strikes, Use Tool that is Appropriate, Introduction to Weapons, Environmental Weapons & Shields, Introduction to Kicks.
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DAY 1 HOUR 7 - In this Video: Kicking Continued, Kicking to Knee, Kicking from Knee to Hip, Low Targets and Shin Kicks, Human Body Targets, Suprasternal Notch (Juggler Notch) Drill, Short Striking Weapons, Flashlight, Long Striking Weapons, Misc. Striking Weapons, End of Day One
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